Curated by Eduardo Navas
FEATURE: The Latency of the Moving Image in New Media, at Telic, Los Angeles
The Latency of the Moving Image in New Media
May 25 to June 16
An exhibition of videos, online art, blogs, and audiovisual interfaces by
artists who make the most of latency as a crucial element in their works.
Curated by Eduardo Navas.
Go to the exhibition:
TELIC Arts Exchange
975 Chung King Road
Los Angeles, CA 90012
T: 213.344.6137
The Latency of the Moving Image in New Media presents artists who make
latency part of visual language in their works.
Some of the works included in the exhibition are to be experienced online
while others are to be seen as projections in an actual space, and others
are downloadable interactive projects developed as freeware. The works will
be available for viewing at Telic in a way that is sensitive to their
original contexts.
Near the end of the exhibition, AAAARG.ORG presents an open conversation
about latency with Eduardo Navas. Relevant texts will be posted to The date and time of this conversation
are to be announced.