/2963 e-MobiLArt European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists | Escáner Cultural

Escáner Cultural


European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists
European Mobile Lab for Interactive Media Artists (e-MobiLArt) is a project tailored around the process of collaboratively creating interactive installation artworks. Such mediated environments may involve the use of ubiquitous computing, communication networks and mobile or locative media technologies. Participants in this project will be artists and scientists who are active in creating interactive media art or pursuing innovative interdisciplinary research and wish to collaborate in order to create interactive media artworks.

The e-MobiLArt project aims to provide selected participants with a multicultural, interdisciplinary context, by supporting their travels, collaboration and the exhibition of their work. Selected participants will form groups and work together in order to develop their projects. During the project, three workshops will take place in three different European countries. In these workshops, participants will be provided with necessary technical, theoretical and curatorial support and will be aided in starting and developing their collaboration.

The resulting interactive installation artworks will be exhibited in at least one museum or gallery space, with the support of a team of established curators and theorists, active in the intersecting fields of art, science and technology.

Project partners and sponsors

The e-MobiLArt Project has been funded with support from the CULTURE 2007 Programme of the European Union. It is co-coordinated by the University of Athens (Greece). The co-organising partners are: the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Austria) and the University of Lapland (Finland). Associate partners are: Leonardo/OLATS (France), Group Haute Ecole ICHEC Saint Louis (Belgium), State Museum of Contemporary Art – Thessaloniki (Greece), The Academy of Fine Arts - Katowice (Poland), Cycling74 (U.S.A.), and I-CubeX (Canada).

Curatorial committee

Roger Malina, Nina Czegledy, Annick Bureaud, Christiana Galanopoulou